Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poem II (untitled)

How she must feel –
Knowing the love of another
Yet having to come home to you.

You, with your callous tongue
And heartless affection;
She knows momentary affection
And counts it as love
And escape.

She drinks
So she’ll sleep.
The girls will come to her rescue
When she needs to forget,
And laugh.

She won’t leave you –
Who would dare?
Your arms are cold and clinging
Tight and emotionless.

Love is a contract, not a goal.
Paid to negotiate during the day,
You negotiate at night, too.
It’s always your way.

Should she decide to speak
You’ll remind her of the other one –
The one who is still paying
For not loving you.

An investment with no returns
Is unacceptable
To you.

Poem (untitled)

Remember when you loved me?
You tore my heart and made me cry.
Who knew we would never be ‘you and i?’

Back when I dreamed of your lips,
You held another, and only loved me
For my eyes, my hands and hips.

The benefit of the doubt was your standard excuse.
I’d beg and cry – why won’t you
Turn me loose?

Holding me in arms that were cold,
You told
Me I would never love another like you.


When you learned that I no longer wanted you,
You protested so much.
I thought it was love,
But you had no such


How it must feel to have empty arms now.
How you must feel, knowing that I learned how
To be
Joyful and healthy and free.

Occasionally, you inject yourself into my life.
Out of the blue,
There comes you.
A forgotten sin – a forgiven lie.

I will go to sleep until you subside.

Monday, October 5, 2009

detail of one of Cunningham's works @ Meadows Museum of Art/Centenary College

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of Cunningham's works @ Meadows Museum of Art/Centenary College

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of Cunningham's works @ Meadows Museum of Art/Centenary College

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of Cunningham's works @ Meadows Museum of Art/Centenary College

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of Cunningham's works @ Meadows Museum of Art/Centenary College

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail of one of my works @ Centenary College

detail of one of my works, originally uploaded by debchrisjoseph.

Image: Joseph Kammer

collection of my work at Turner Art Gallery

Image: Joseph Kammer

detail shot of one of my works

Image by Joseph Kammer

First United Methodist Church in Shreveport, LA

Saturday, October 3, 2009


November 8, 2009 - Robinson Film Center, Shreveport, LA

Screening of the documentary Who Does She Think She Is.

It's "about women artists, and we're going to have a live, virtual Q&A with the artists from the film - simulcast from a big screening in New York City - after ...the screening," per Chris Jay, Director of Marketing & Programming at the RFC.

Be there, and leave your stupid make-up at home.

Dress comfortably.

And if your ex - like mine - has used your art against you in a custody battle, smile politely while giving him a free ticket to this film!

Preview here -