Monday, May 9, 2011

"Confessions of a Sinful Woman" series preview

"I Fear Becoming Apathetic & Irrelevant" (detail - 2010)

"I Fear Becoming Apathetic & Irrelevant" (detail - 2010)

"I Fear Becoming Apathetic & Irrelevant" (2010)

"I Tend to be Cynically JudgEmental" (2010)

"I Always Wanted to be a Boy" (detail - 2010)

"I Always Wanted to be a Boy" (detail - 2010)

"I Always Wanted to be a Boy" (2010)

"I Like to Break Things" (detail - 2010)

"I Like to Break Things" (2010)

"I'm Crazy About Myself" (detail - 2010)

"I'm Crazy About Myself" (2010)

"My Greatest Fear is Becoming My Mother" (detail - 2011)

"My Greatest Fear is Becoming My Mother" (2011)

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